- Author
- Wijayasinghe, M. S. | Makey, T. B.
- Title
- Cooking Oil: A Home Fire Hazard in Alberta, Canada.
- Coporate
- Fire Commissioners Office, Edmonton, Alberta
- Journal
- Fire Technology, Vol. 33, No. 2, Second Quarter, 140-166, May/June 1997
- Keywords
- oils | fire hazards | statistical analysis | fire losses | injuries | ignition | stoves | flash point | data analysis | casualties | residential buildings | kitchens | fire spread | extinguishment | fire fatalities | smoke points | fire prevention
- Identifiers
- fire losses in Canada, 1988-1992; fires in Canada by major sources of ignition, 1988-1992; fire losses related to cooking equipment in Canada, 1988-1992; fire casualties by major sources of ignition in Canada, 1990-1992; distribution of cooking equipment fires by property class in three Canadian provinces, 1992; residential fires in Canada, 1988-1992; fires in Alberta and Alberta home, 1988-1992; areas of fire origin in Alberta homes by property class, 1988-1992; kitchen fires in Alberta homes by sources of ignition, 1988-1992; materials first ignited in cooking equipment fires in Alberta home kitchens, 1988-1992; cooking oil fires by types of cooking equipment, 1988-1992; cooking oil fires by acts or omissions, 1988-1992; cooking oil fires by extent of fire, 1988-1992; cooking oil fires by action taken to extinguish, 1988-1992; civilian fatalities in cooking oil fires, 1988-1992; injuries in cooking oil fires, 1988-1992; selected civilian cooking oil fire injuries by condition and action of casualties; smoke points of common cooking oils; flash points of common flammable and combustible liquids