displaying 141 - 147 results in total 147
National Bureau of Standards
view article (1.0)Guide Criteria for the Design and Evaluation of: Operation Breakthrough. Housing Systems. A Preliminary Report. Volume 2. Multifamily Low Rise. 4 Volumes. (Supersedes NBS Report 10 100 dated March 1, 1970.)National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, MDNBS 10 200, September 1, 1970, 400 p.National Bureau of Standards
view article (1.0)Guide Criteria for the Design and Evaluation of: Operation Breakthrough. Housing Systems. A Preliminary Report. Volume 1. Multifamily High Rise. 4 Volumes. (Supersedes NBS Report 10 200 Dated March 1, 1970).National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, MDNBS 10 200, September 1, 1970, 400 p.National Bureau of Standards
view article (1.0)Performance Criteria for Exterior Wall Systems. Final Report.National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, MDDepartment of Housing and Urban Development, Washington, DC, NBS 9817, April 25, 1968, 129 p.U.S. Department of Commerce; National Bureau of Standards
view article (1.0)National Standard Hose Couplings and Fittings for Public Fire Service. 2nd Edition.Department of Commerce, Washington, DC; National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, MDNBS C 50; NBS Circular 50; Circular of the Bureau of Standards No. 50; 2nd Edition, June 8, 1917, 34 p.National Bureau of Standards
view article (1.0)Meeting to Discuss National Survey on Burns Associated With Flammable Fabrics. Minutes. June 2, 1964.National Bureau of Standards, Washington, DCMinutes of Meeting, June 2, 1964, 10 p.National Bureau of Standards
view article (1.0)Derivation of the Fire Safety Criteria for Operation BreakthroughNational Bureau of Standards, Washington, DCDepartment of Housing and Urban Development, Washington, DC, 250 p.Associated Factory Mutual Fire Insurance Companies; National Board of Fire Underwriters; National Bureau of Standards
view article (1.0)Fire Tests of Building Columns.Associated Factory Mutual Fire Insurance Companies; National Board of Fire Underwriters, NY; National Bureau of Standards, Washington, DCFire Tests of Building Columns, 389 p., ['1917', '1918', '1919']