displaying 11 - 20 results in total 212
Federal Emergency Management Agency
view article (1.0)Fire and Emergency Medical Services Ergonomics. A Guide for Understanding and Implementing an Ergonomics Program in Your Department.U.S. Fire Administration, Washington, DCGuide, March 1996, 206 p.Federal Emergency Management Agency
view article (1.0)Health and Safety Issues of the Female Emergency Responder.U.S. Fire Administration, Washington, DCFA 162, June 1996, 49 p.Federal Emergency Management Agency
view article (1.0)Confined Space Rescue on <i>S.S. Gem State</i>, November 19, 1990, Tacoma, WA. Technical Rescue Incident Report.U.S. Fire Administration, Washington, DCTechnical Rescue Incident Report, 1991, 13 p.Federal Emergency Management Agency
view article (1.0)State and Local Ordinances for Sprinkler Systems. Final Report.Federal Emergency Management Agency, Washington, DC DCFA-59, March 1982, 203 p.Federal Emergency Management Agency
view article (1.0)Evaluation of Residential Smoke Detectors Under Actual Field Conditions. Final Report.Federal Emergency Management Agency, Washington, DCFA-60, Marcy 1982, 71 p.Federal Emergency Management Agency
view article (1.0)Basic Guide to System Concepts and Equipment. Fire Department Communications Manual.U.S. Fire Administration, Washington, DCManual, [date unknown], 240 p.Federal Emergency Management Agency
view article (1.0)Report to Congress on Fire Protection Systems: Detectors, Remote Alarm Systems, and Sprinklers.Federal Emergency Management Agency, Washington, DCJune 1981, 77 p.Federal Emergency Management Agency
view article (1.0)Minicomputers for the National Fire Incident Reporting System--A Feasibility Study.Federal Emergency Management Agency, Washington, DCMITRE Corp., McLean, VA, April 1981, 73 p.Federal Emergency Management Agency
view article (1.0)Report on 1980 Property Loss Comparison Fires--An Insurance Industry Assessment of the Impact of Residential Sprinklers on Fire Loss.Federal Emergency Management Agency, Washington, DCFA-53, March 1981, 25 p.Federal Emergency Management Agency; U.S. Department of Justice; U.S. Department of Treasury; U.S. Department of Agriculture; U.S. Department of Commerce; U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development; U.S. Postal Service; ACTION
view article (1.0)Report to the President on Progress in Implementation of the National Arson Strategy. Preliminary Draft.Federal Emergency Management Agency, Washington, DC; Department of Justice, Washington, DC; Department of Treasury, Washington, DC; Department of Agriculture, Washington, DC; Department of Commerce, Washington, DC; Department of Housing and Urban Development, Washington, DC; Postal Service, Washington, DC; ACTION, Washington, DCOctober 15, 1980, 143 p.