displaying 11 - 20 results in total 93
Mirick, W.; Schmidt, E. W.; Melton, C. W.; Anderson, S. T.; Nowacki, L. J.; Clark, R.
view article (1.0)Evaluation of Encapsulants for Sprayed-On Asbestos Containing Materials in Buildings.Battelle Columbus Labs., Columbus, OHEnvironmental Protection Agency, Cincinnati, OH, EPA-600/2-87-091, October 1987, 112 p.Juneja, S. C.; Richardson, L. R.
view article (1.0)Production of Fire Retardant Composites.Eastern Forest Products Lab., Ontario, CanadaAlena Enterprises of Canada. Fire Retardants: Proceedings of 1975 International Symposium on Flammability and Fire Retardants. May 22-23, 1975, Technomic Publishing Co., Inc., Westport, CT, Montreal, Canada, Bhatnagar, V. M., Editors, 167-174 p., 1976Air Force Materials Laboratory
view article (1.0)Emerging Aerospace Materials.Air Force Materials Lab., Wright-Patterson AFB, OHAFML-TR-65-114, April 1965, 113 p.Society of Plastics Engineers
view article (1.0)Society of Plastics Engineers, Brookfield Center, CTSociety of Plastics Engineers. Annual Technical Conference, 36th. Technical Papers. Volume 25. April 24-27, 1978, Washington, DC, 881 p., 1978McGarry, F. J.; Mandell, J. F.; Wang, S. S.
view article (1.0)Fracture of Adhesive Joints.Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA; Illinois Univ., UrbanaSociety of Plastics Engineers. Annual Technical Conference, 36th. Technical Papers. Volume 25. April 24-27, 1978, Washington, DC, 311-314 p., 1978Brown, J. R.; Gellert, E. P.
view article (1.0)Combustion of Organic Polymeric Materials--Ignition Properties. Technical Note.Materials Research Labs., Victoria, AustraliaMRL-TR-414; AR-001-351, August 1978, 14 p.Wren, H. K.
view article (1.0)New Innovation in Fire Deterrant Polymers.Indianapolis, INAlena Enterprises of Canada. Fire Retardants: Proceedings of 1976 International Symposium on Flammability and Fire Retardants. May 6-7, 1976, Technomic Publishing Co., Westport, CT, Ontario, Canada, Bhatnagar, V. M., Editors, 249-252 p., 1977U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission
view article (1.0)Extremely Flammable Contact Adhesives. Regulation of Certain Extremely Flammable Contact Adhesives Under the Consumer Product Safety Act.Consumer Product Safety Commission, Washington, DCFederal Register, Vol. 42, No. 134, 35984-35990, Wednesday, July 13, 1977U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission
view article (1.0)Extremely Flammable Contact Adhesives. Establishment as Banned Hazardous Product; Labeling.Consumer Product Safety Commission, Washington, DCFederal Register, Vol. 42, No. 243, 63730-63742, Monday, December 19, 1977Vaughan, D. J.
view article (1.0)Use of the SEM for the Identification of Problems in Polymeric Materials.Clark-Schwebel Fiber Glass Corp., Anderson, SCAmerican Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM). Symposium on Quality Assurance. Committee D-20 on Plastics. March 24, 1976, Orlando, FL, 62-82 p., 1976