displaying 11 - 20 results in total 46
Evans, D. D.; Mulholland, G. W.; Gross, D.; Baum, H. R.; Saito, K.
view article (1.0)Environment Effects of Oil Spill Combustion.National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MDDepartment of the Interior, Reston, VA; Minerals Management Service, Reston, VA, NISTIR 88-3822, September 1988, 51 p.Bray, G.
view article (1.0)Applying Water to LPG Spill Fires.Mather and Platt, EnglandFire, Vol. 72, No. 899, 667-669, May 1980Eklund, T. I.
view article (1.0)Pool Fire Radiation Through a Door in a Simulated Aircraft Fuselage. Final Report. August 1977-December 1977.Federal Aviation Admin., Atlantic City, NJDepartment of Transportation, Washington, DC, FAA-RD-78-135; ARD-520, December 1978, 41 p.Eggleston, L. A.; Herrera, W. R.; Pish, M. D.
view article (1.0)Effect of Turbulent Waters on the Nature and Extinguishment of Oil Spill Fires.Southwest Research Inst., San Antonio, TXUSCG-D-24-76,U.S. Coast Guard. Transport of Hazardous Cargoes by Sea and Inland Waterway. 4th International Symposium. October 26-30, 1975, Jacksonville, FL, 359-366 p., 1975Allahdadi, F. A.; Luehr, C.; Morehouse, T.; Campbell, P.
view article (1.0)Modeling Response of Tanks Containing Flammables to Fire Impingement. Final Report. September 1986-February 1987.New Mexico Univ., AlbuquerqueAir Force Engineering and Services Center, Tyndall AFB, FL; Naval Air Systems Command, Washington, DC, ESL-TR-87-53, July 1988, 113 p.Evans, D. D.; Mulholland, G. W.; Gross, D.; Baum, H. R.; Walton, W. D.; Saito, K.
view article (1.0)Burning, Smoke Production, and Smoke Dispersion From Oil Spill Combustion.National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD; Kentucky Univ., LexingtonMinerals Management Service, Reston, VA, NISTIR 89-4091, October 1989, 57 p.Karlsson, B.
view article (1.0)Deterministic and Probabilistic Model for Oilspill Fires in Nuclear Power Plants. Final Report to the Swedish Atomic Energy Board.Lund Univ., SwedenLUTVDG/TVBB-3049, 1989, 40 p.Karlsson, B.
view article (1.0)Users' Guide to OSFIC--A Computer Program for Oil Spill Fires in Compartments.Lund Univ., SwedenLUTVDG/TVBB-3051; SKI-86151-2, 1988989, 46 p.Persson, H.
view article (1.0)Basutrustning fur skumslackning--Forsoksresultat och rekommendationer som underlag for dimensionering och utforande. [Recommendations for a Mobile Foam Protection System for Transportation Crashes.] (Abstract in English)Swedish National Testing and Research Institute, Boras, SwedenSP Report 1990:36, 1990, 44 p.Friedman, R.; Markels, M., Jr.; Macek, A.; Haggerty, W. E.; Von Elbe, G.; Eichbauer, R.
view article (1.0)Program to Advance the Technology of Fire Extinguishment. Quarterly Progress Report. July 1, 1962-September 30, 1962.Atlantic Research Corp., Alexandria, VAAeronautical Systems Division, Wright-Patterson AFB, OH, ARC Report 62-5069-Q5; Project 6075; Task 607507, October 15, 1962, 31 p.