FireDOC Search

displaying 21 - 30 results in total 66

  • Ingason, H.
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    Heat Release Rate Measurements in Tunnel Fires.
    Swedish National Testing Institute, Boras, Sweden
    Fires in Tunnels International Conference. Proceedings. October 10-11, 1994, Boras, Sweden, SP Swedish National Testing and Research Institute, Boras,, Ivarson, E., Editor, 86-103 pp, 1994 AND University of Dundee and Independent Technical Conferences Ltd. Safety in Road and Rail Tunnels. International Conference, 2nd (Second). Proceedings. April 3-6, 1995, Granada, Spain, Vardy, A. E., Editor, 261-268 pp, 1995, ['1995', '1994']

  • Tuovinen, H.; Ingason, H.
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    CFD Simulation of Fires in Two Dimensional Rack Storage.
    Swedish National Testing and Research Institute, Boras, Sweden
    Interscience Communications Ltd.; National Institute of Standards and Technology; Building Research Establishment; and Society of Fire Protection Engineers; Swedish National Testing and Research Institute. Interflam '96. International Interflam Conference, 7th Proceedings. March 26-28, 1996, Interscience Communications Ltd., London, England, Cambridge, England, Franks, C. A.; Grayson, S., Editors, 209-215 p., 1996

  • Ingason, H.
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    Findings Concerning the Rate of Heat Release.
    Swedish National Testing and Research Institute, Boras, Sweden
    Bundesministerium fur Bildung and Studiengesellschaft Stahlanwendung e.V. and Technische Universitat Braunscheweig and Studiengesellschaft fur unterirdische Verkehrsanlagen e.V. Fire Protection in Traffic Tunnels. International Conference With Exhibition. Proceedings. September 12-13, 1995, Dresden, Germany, 94-103 p., 1995

  • Persson, B.; Ingason, H.
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    Modelling of Interaction Between Sprinklers and Fire Vents: Present Knowledge.
    Swedish National Testing Institute, Boras, Sweden
    SP REPORT 1996:32, 1996, 35 p.

  • Ingason, H.
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    Experimental and Theoretical Study of Rack Storage Fires.
    Lund Univ., Sweden
    LUTVDG/TVBB-1013-SE, 1996, 58 p.

  • Ingason, H.
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    Investigation of Thermal Response of Glass Bulb Sprinklers Using Plunge and Ramp Tests.
    Lund Univ., Sweden
    Fire Safety Journal, Vol. 30, No. 1, 71-93, February 1998
    Paper 1, 1996, 20 p.

  • Ingason, H.
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    In-Rack Fire Plumes.
    Lund Univ., Sweden
    Paper 6, 1996, 15 p.
    International Association for Fire Safety Science. Fire Safety Science. Proceedings. Fifth (5th) International Symposium. March 3-7, 1997, Intl. Assoc. for Fire Safety Science, Boston, MA, Melbourne, Australia, Hasemi, Y., Editors, 333-344 p., ['1996', '1997']

  • Ingason, H.; deRis, J.
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    Flame Heat Transfer in Storage Geometries.
    Lund Univ., Sweden; Factory Mutual Research Corp., Norwood, MA
    Paper 7, 1996, 24 p.
    Fire Research and Engineering, Second (2nd) International Conference. (ICFRE2). Proceedings. ABSTRACTS ONLY. National Institute of Standards and Technology and Society of Fire Protection Engineers. August 10-15, 1997, Gaithersburg, MD, Slaughter, K. C., Editors, 101-101 p., ['1997', '1996']

  • Ingason, H.
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    Swedish Work on the Sprinkler/Fire Vent Interaction Problem.
    Swedish National Testing and Research Institute, Boras, Sweden
    Video, June 17, 1997,

  • Ingason, H.; Nireus, K.; Werling, P.
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    Fire Tests in a Blasted Rock Tunnel.
    Defence Research Establishment, Tumba, Sweden
    FOA-R-97-00581-990-SE, November 1997, 182 p.