FireDOC Search

displaying 21 - 30 results in total 112

  • Anderson, C. E., Jr.; Dzluk, J., Jr.; Ketchum, D. E.
    view article (1.0)

    Study of Formulations and Thermophysics of Intumescent Systems. Final Report.
    Southwest Research Institute, San Antonio, TX
    Naval Air Development Center, Warminster, PA, NADC-89061-60; Task No. WR10943; Work Unit No. SH850, September 30, 1988, 140 p.

  • Audet, N. F.
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    Visor System Materials for Aluminized Firemen's Hoods. Report 2. Evaluation of Gold-Coated Plastic Substrates. Technical Report.
    Navy Clothing and Textile Research Unit., Natick, MA
    TR-133, June 1975, 53 p.

  • Malinski, E.; Piekos, A.; Modro, T. A.
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    Substituent Effects of Phosphorus and Arsenic Containing Groups in Aromatic Substitution. Part 4. Nitration of Aromaic Phosphine Oxides.
    Gdansk Univ., Poland; Toronto Univ., Ontario, Canada
    Canadian Journal of Chemistry, Vol. 53, 1468-1474, 1975

  • Alger, R. S.; Capner, E. L.
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    Aircraft Ground Fire Suppression and Rescue Systems. Basic Relationships in Military Fires. Phases 3, 5, 6, and 7. Final Report. October 1971-November 1974.
    Naval Surface Weapons Center, Menlo Park, CA; Stanford Research Institute, Menlo Park, CA
    Aircraft Ground Fire Suppression and Rescue Office, Wright-Patterson AFB, OH, DOD-AGFRSRS-75-4, May 1975, 155 p.

  • Krasny, J. F.
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    Effect of Cigarette Characteristics on the Ignition of Soft Furnishings. (Abstract Only)
    National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, MD
    International Conference on Fire Safety, 13th. Volume 13. January 11-15, 1988, Product Safety Corp., Sunnyvale, CA, Millbrae, CA, 15 p., 1988

  • Nelson, G. L.
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    Effect of EMI Coatings on the Fire Performance of Plastics.
    Southern Mississippi Univ., Hattiesburg
    International Conference on Fire Safety, 13th. Volume 13. January 11-15, 1988, Product Safety Corp., Sunnyvale, CA, Millbrae, CA, 367-378 p., 1988

  • Morrison, P.; Wolf, K.
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    Substitution Analysis: A Case Study of Solvents.
    Rand Corp., Santa Monica, CA
    Journal of Hazardous Materials, Vol. 10, 189-204, 1985

  • Shafizadeh, F.
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    Pyrolysis of Cellulosic Materials.
    Montana Univ., Missoula
    Wood Chemicals--A Future Challenge. Cellulose Conference, 8th., Syracuse, New York and USSR, 43 p., 1975

  • American Chemical Society
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    Fire and Polymers: Hazards Identification and Prevention. National Meeting, 197th. ACS Symposium Series 425.
    American Chemical Society, Washington, DC
    ACS Symposium Series 425,
    American Chemical Society. Fire and Polymers: Hazards Identification and Prevention. National Meeting, 197th. ACS Symposium Series 425. April 9-14, 1989, American Chemical Society, Washington, DC, Dallas, TX, Nelson, G. L., Editors, 637 p., 1990

  • Drews, M. J.; Jarvis, C. W.; Lickfield, G. C.
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    Ternary Reactions Among Polymer Substrates, Organohalogens, and Metal Oxides in the Condensed Phase Under Pyrolytic Conditions.
    Clemson Univ., SC
    Chapter 9; ACS Symposium Series 425,
    American Chemical Society. Fire and Polymers--Hazards Identification and Prevention. National Meeting, 197th. ACS Symposium Series 425. April 9-14, 1989, American Chemical Society, Washington, DC, Dallas, TX, Nelson, G. L., Editors, 109-129 p., 1989