FireDOC Search

displaying 31 - 40 results in total 112

  • Mango, P. A.; Yannich, M. E.
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    Flame-Retardant Latices for Nonwoven Products.
    Air Products and Chemicals, Inc., Allentown, PA
    Chapter 11; ACS Symposium Series 425,
    American Chemical Society. Fire and Polymers--Hazards Identification and Prevention. National Meeting, 197th. ACS Symposium Series 425. April 9-14, 1989, American Chemical Society, Washington, DC, Dallas, TX, Nelson, G. L., Editors, 145-156 p., 1989

  • Cusack, P. A.; Killmeyer, A. J.
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    Inorganic Tin Compounds as Flame, Smoke, and Carbon Monoxide Suppressants for Synthetic Polymers.
    International Tin Research Institute, Uxbridge, UK; Research Institute, Inc., Columbus, OH
    Chapter 14; ACS Symposium Series 425,
    American Chemical Society. Fire and Polymers--Hazards Identification and Prevention. National Meeting, 197th. ACS Symposium Series 425. April 9-14, 1989, American Chemical Society, Washington, DC, Dallas, TX, Nelson, G. L., Editors, 189-210 p., 1989

  • Nelson, G. L.; Chan, E. K.
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    Synergistic Fire Performance Between a Zinc Coating and a Modified Poly(phenylene oxide) Substrate.
    Florida Institute of Technology, Melbourne, FL
    Chapter 21; ACS Symposium Series 425,
    American Chemical Society. Fire and Polymers--Hazards Identification and Prevention. National Meeting, 197th. ACS Symposium Series 425. April 9-14, 1989, American Chemical Society, Washington, DC, Dallas, TX, Nelson, G. L., Editors, 311-331 p., 1989

  • Larson, O.
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    Changing Substrates in Textile Printing.
    E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Co., Wilmington, DE
    Textile Information Sources and Resources, 25-26, August 1974

  • Larsen, J. B.; Nelson, G. L.; Williams, B. K.; Spencer, E. G.; Spencer, L. M.
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    Toxicity of Combustion Products From Engineering Plastics.
    University of Southern Mississippi, Ocean Springs; Florida Institute of Technology, Melbourne; Morton International, Danvers, MA; University of North Alabama, Florence
    Product Safety Corporation. International Conference on Fire Safety, 16th. Volume 16. January 14-18, 1991, Product Safety Corp., Sunnyvale, CA, Millbrae, CA, 189-202 p., 1991

  • Bentz, D. P.; Martin, J. W.; Batts, M. E.
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    Characterization of Cylindrical Holes in Metallic Substrates Via Their Infrared Emission Patterns.
    National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD; Paratech Corp., Washington, DC
    Wear, Vol. 143, 255-266, 1991

  • Siddiqui, S. Z.
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    Certification of Decorated Laminated Materials for Internal Use in Aircrafts by Heat Release Testing.
    Polyplastex International, Inc., Pinellas Park, FL
    Fire Retardant Chemicals Association. Fire Safety Developments and Testing: Toxicity--Heat Release--Product Development--Combustion Corrosivity. October 21-24, 1990, Fire Retardant Chemicals Assoc., Lancaster, PA, Ponte Vedra Beach, FL, 93-101 p., 1990

  • Mischutin, V.
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    Opportunities in Flame Retardant Coated Fabrics.
    White Chemical Corp., Newark, NJ
    Journal of Coated Fabrics, Vol. 16, 92-101, October 1986

  • Isner, M. S.
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    Fratenity House Fire, Berkeley, California, September 8, 1990. Summary Fire Investigation Report.
    National Fire Protection Assoc., Quincy, MA
    Summary Fire Investigation, June 19, 1991, 18 p.

  • Jennings, E. C., Jr.; Dimick, K. P.
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    Gas Chromatography of Pyroolytic Products of Purines and Pyrimidines.
    Wilkens Instrument and Research, Inc., Walnut Creek, CA
    Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 34, No. 12, 1543-1547, November 1962