displaying 81 - 90 results in total 268
Kaetzel, L. J.; Galler, M. A.
view article (1.0)Proposed Format for Data on Cements in a Material Properties Database.National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MDNISTIR 6034, June 1997, 23 p.Sincaglia, P. E.; Barnett, J. R.
view article (1.0)Development of a Glass Window Fracture Model for Zone-Type Computer Fire Codes.Firesafety Solutions, Inc., Chagrin Falls, OH; Worcester Polytechnic Inst., MAJournal of Fire Protection Engineering, Vol. 8, No. 3, 101-118, 1997Kodur, V. K. R.; Lie, T. T.
view article (1.0)Evaluation of Fire Resistance of Rectangular Steel Columns Filled With Fiber-Reinforced Concrete.National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa, OntarioCanadian Journal of Civil Engineering, Vol. 24, No. 3, 339-349, June 1997NRCC 40091,Hasemi, Y.
view article (1.0)Concurrent Flame Spread in Fires: State of the Art of Modeling and Future Problems for Engineering Application.Building Research Inst., Tokyo, JapanNISTIR 6030, June 1997,U.S./Japan Government Cooperative Program on Natural Resources (UJNR). Fire Research and Safety. 13th Joint Panel Meeting. Volume 1. March 13-20, 1996, Gaithersburg, MD, Beall, K. A., Editors, 165-186 p., 1997Lyon, R. E.
view article (1.0)Advanced Fire Safe Materials for Aircraft Interiors.Federal Aviation Administration, Atlantic City International Airport, NJNISTIR 6030, June 1997,U.S./Japan Government Cooperative Program on Natural Resources (UJNR). Fire Research and Safety. 13th Joint Panel Meeting. Volume 2. March 13-20, 1996, Gaithersburg, MD, Beall, K. A., Editors, 249-259 p., 1997Ali, F. A.; Connolly, R.; Sullivan, P. J. E.
view article (1.0)Spalling of High Strength Concrete at Elevated Temperatures.Ulster Univ., Jordanstown, Northern Ireland; Late Building Research Establishment, Garston, UK; City Univ., London, EnglandJournal of Applied Fire Science, Vol. 6, No. 1, 3-14, 1996/1997Beyler, C. L.; Hunt, S. P.; Iqbal, N.; Williams, F. W.
view article (1.0)Computer Model of Upward Flame Spread on Vertical Surfaces.Hughes Associates, Inc., Baltimore, MD; Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, DCInternational Association for Fire Safety Science. Fire Safety Science. Proceedings. Fifth (5th) International Symposium. March 3-7, 1997, Intl. Assoc. for Fire Safety Science, Boston, MA, Melbourne, Australia, Hasemi, Y., Editors, 297-308 p., 1997Baker, D. J.; Xie, Y. M.; Dayawansa, P. H.
view article (1.0)Numerical Predictions and Experimental Observations of the Structural Response of Steel Columns to High Temperatures.Victoria University of Technology, Australia; BHP Research-Melbourne Laboratories, Mulgrave, AustraliaInternational Association for Fire Safety Science. Fire Safety Science. Proceedings. Fifth (5th) International Symposium. March 3-7, 1997, Intl. Assoc. for Fire Safety Science, Boston, MA, Melbourne, Australia, Hasemi, Y., Editors, 1165-1176 p., 1997Kodur, V. K. R.
view article (1.0)Studies on the Fire Resistance of High-Strength Concrete at the National Research Council of Canada.National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa, OntarioNIST SP 919, September 1997,International Workshop on Fire Performance of High-Strength Concrete. Proceedings. Appendix B: Workshop Papers. B4. February 13-14, 1997, Gaithersburg, MD, Phan, L. T.; Carino, N. J.; Duthinh, D.; Garboczi, E., Editors, 75-86 p., 1997Milke, J. A.
view article (1.0)Limitation of Current U.S. Standards and Challenges of Proposed Performance-Based Standards.Maryland Univ., College ParkNIST SP 919, September 1997,International Workshop on Fire Performance of High-Strength Concrete. Proceedings. Appendix B: Workshop Papers. B5. February 13-14, 1997, Gaithersburg, MD, Phan, L. T.; Carino, N. J.; Duthinh, D.; Garboczi, E., Editors, 87-93 p., 1997