- Author
- Talbert, J. H.
- Title
- Use of Fire Models to Estimate Water Flow Requirements for Fire Department Use.
- Coporate
- Nexus Technical Services Corp., Bloomingdale, IL
- Book or Conf
- International Conference on Fire Research and Engineering (ICFRE3), Third (3rd). Proceedings. Society of Fire Protection Engineers (SFPE), National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and International Association of Fire Safety Science (IAFSS). October 4-8, 1999, Society of Fire Protection Engineers, Boston, MA, Chicago, IL, 427-438 p., 1999
- Keywords
- fire research | fire protection engineering | fire departments | water flow | fire models | heat release rate | fuel load | sprinklers | heat detectors | flow rate
- Identifiers
- FAST; DETACT-QS; conversion of water to steam; noncombustible building: no detectors or sprinklers; noncombustible building: heat detectors; noncombustible building: automatic sprinklers