FireDOC Search

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  • Miller, C. F.
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    Fire Fighting Operations in Hamburg, Germany During World War II: Excerpts From the Hamburg Fire Department Documents on the Air Attacks During Wrold War II. Appendixes 3, 4, 5, and Photographs. Final Report.
    Stanford Research Inst., Menlo Park, CA
    Defense Civil Preparedness Agency, Washington, DC, DCPA Work Unit 2534H, April 1972, 446 p.

  • Miller, C. F.
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    World War II German Fire Document Translations.
    Stanford Research Institute, Menlo Park, CA
    Office of Civil Defense, Washington, DC, NRDL-TRC-67-41; SRI project MU-5856, July 1967, 94 p.

  • Miller, C. F.; Kerr, J. W.
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    Field Notes on World War II German Fire Experience.
    Stanford Research Inst., Menlo Park, CA; Office of Civil Defense, Washington, DC
    SRI Project No. MU-5070, October 1965, 79 p.

  • Strom, P. O.; Miller, C. F.
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    Interaction of Fallout With Fires. Final Report.
    URS Research Co., San Mateo, CA
    Office of Civil Defense, Washington, DC, URS 708-4, September 1969, 75 p.

  • Miller, C. F.
    view article (1.0)

    Fire Fighting Operations in Hamburg, Germany During World War II. Final Report.
    URS Research Co., San Mateo, CA
    Office of Civil Defense, Washington, DC, URS 7004; Work Unit 2534H, June 1971, 112 p.

  • Miller, C. F.
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    Hamburg Police President's Report on the Large Scale Air Attacks on Hamburg, Germany, in World War II. Apppendixes 1 Through 7.
    Stanford Research Inst., Menlo Park, CA
    Office of Civil Defense, Washington, DC; U.S. Naval Radiological Defense Laboratory, San Francisco, CA, NRDL-TRC-68-7; OCD Work Unit No. 2536D, December 1968, 292 p.