FireDOC Search

displaying 11 - 20 results in total 756

  • Purser, D. A.; Grimshaw, P.
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    Incapacitative Effects of Exposure to the Thermal Decomposition Products of Polyurethane Foams.
    Huntingdon Research Center, Cambridgeshire, England
    Fire and Materials, Vol. 8, No. 1, 10-16, March 1984

  • Crane, C. R.; Sanders, D. C.; Endecott, B. R.; Abbott, J. K.
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    Electrical Insulation Fire Characteristics. Volume 2. Toxicity. Final Report. July 1976-July 1978.
    FAA Civil Aeromedical Inst., Oklahoma City, OK
    Department of Transportation, Washington, DC, UMTA-MA-06-0025-79-2, December 1978, 102 p.

  • Swan, A. G.
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    Two Man Space Environment Simulator Accident.
    Aerospace Medical Div., Brooks AFB, TX
    Aerospace Medical Div. Fire Hazards and Extinguishment Conference. May 23, 1967., Brooks AFB, TX, 4-38 p., 1967

  • Carter, D. I.
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    Fire Extinguishment and Protective Clothing Evaluations.
    Air Force Systems Command, Brooks AFB, TX
    Aerospace Medical Div. Fire Hazards and Extinguishment Conference. May 23, 1967., Brooks AFB, TX, 70-105 p., 1967

  • Vernot, E. H.
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    Inhalation Toxicity and Chemistry of Pyrolysis Products of Bromotrifluoromethane.
    Aerojet-General Corp., Dayton, OH
    Aerospace Medical Div. Fire Hazards and Extinguishment Conference. May 23, 1967., Brooks AFB, TX, 107-117 p., 1967

  • Thomas, A. A.
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    Pathology Report on the Toxicity of the Pyrolysis Products of Freon 1301.
    Aerospace Medical Research Lab., Wright-Patterson AFB, OH
    Aerospace Medical Div. Fire Hazards and Extinguishment Conference. May 23, 1967., Brooks AFB, TX, 118-119 p., 1967

  • Denison, D. M.
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    Further Studies on the Problems of Fire in Artificial Gas Environments.
    Royal Air Force Institute of Aviation Medicine, Farnborough Hants, England
    Aerospace Medical Div. Fire Hazards and Extinguishment Conference. May 23, 1967., Brooks AFB, TX, 155-167 p., 1967

  • Sebata, K.; Magill, J. H.; Alarie, Y. C.
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    Thermal Stability annd Toxicity of Polymers: Polyphosphazenes.
    Pittsburgh Univ., PA
    Journal of Fire and Flammability, Vol. 9, 50-70, January 1978
    National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, MD,

  • Birky, M. M.
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    Toxicity and Incapacitation Due to Hydrogen Chloride.
    Birky Associates, Inc., Boonsboro, MD
    Fire and Materials, Vol. 10, No. 3&4, 125-132, September/December 1986

  • Hilado, C. J.; Huttlinger, P. A.
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    Rising and Fixed Temperature Effects in Testing.
    Product Safety Corp., Sunnyvale, CA
    International Conference on Fire Safety, 6th. Volume 6. January 12-16, 1981., Menlo Park, CA, 191-206 p., 1981