FireDOC Search

displaying 11 - 20 results in total 47

  • Dodson, R. T.
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    Speech Recording Systems in the Fire Service.
    Dictaphone Co., Ltd.
    Fire, Vol. 67, No. 832, 245-246, October 1974

  • O'Kelley, J. S.
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    Meeting Airport Fire Protection Needs.
    Freese and Nichols, Inc., Fort Worth, TX
    Consulting-Specifying Engineer, Vol. 11, No. 5, 38-41, April 1992

  • Lee, S. P.
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    CANDU 3 Incorporates New Concepts.
    CANDU Operations, Mississauga, Canada
    Nuclear Engineering International, Vol. 35, No. 429, 31-32, April 1990

  • Pigott, B. B.
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    Direct Links With Automatic Fire Detection Systems: Time for Review.
    Fire Research Station, Borehamwood, England
    Fire Engineers Journal, Vol. 53, No. 169, 12-14, June 1993

  • Knorr, K. H.
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    Integrierte Leitstelle fur Brandschutz, Hilfeleistung, Rettungsdienst und Katastrophenschutz in der Landeshauptstadt Munchen. "Ist-Zustand und idealisierte Zielvorstellungen". [Integrated Control Center in the Regional Capital Munich. Actual Condition and Idealized Conception.]
    VFDB, 162-165, November 1993

  • Disse, F.
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    Die Notwendigkeit integrierter Leitstellen. [The Necessity of Integrated Control Centers.]
    VFDB, 159-162, November 1993

  • Fritzen, B.
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    Stand der Informations- und Kommunikationstechnik in Leitstellen am Beispiel der Feuerwehr Koln. [State of Information and Communication Techniques in Control Centers Given by the Example of fire Service Cologne.]
    VFDB, 154-158, November 1993

  • Krutt, K. H.
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    Anwendung eines geographischen Informationssystems in einer Leitstelle. [How to Use a Geographic Information System in a Head Office.]
    VFDB, 149-153, November 1993

  • Habermann, N.
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    Geographisches Informationssystems als Basis fur ein Einsatzleitsystem. [Geographical Information Systems as Basis of an Operation Control System.]
    VFDB, 147-148, November 1993

  • Dobbeling, E. P.
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    Anforderungen an Feuerwehrleitstellen in der Zukunft - Ergebnisse einer Arbeitsgruppe des Arbeitskreises Technik der AGBF. [Requirements of Control Centers in Future.]
    VFDB, 142-146, November 1993