displaying 51 - 60 results in total 640
Hopkinson, J. S.
view article (1.0)Smoke Spread Within Buildings.Building Research Establishment, Watford, EnglandBRE IP 22/84, 1984, 3 p.Kallonen, R.; Von Wright, A.; Tikkanen, L.; Kaustia, K.
view article (1.0)Toxicity of Fire Effluents From Textiles and Upholstery Materials.Technical Research Centre of Finland, EspooJournal of Fire Sciences, Vol. 3, No. 3, 145-160, May/June 1985Hartzell, G. E.; Packham, S. C.; Grand, A. F.; Switzer, W. G.
view article (1.0)Modeling of Toxicological Effects of Fire Gases. Part 3. Quantification of Post-Exposure Lethality of Rats From Exposure to HCl Atmospheres.Southwest Research Inst., San Antonio, TXJournal of Fire Sciences, Vol. 3, No. 3, 195-207, May/June 1985National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, MD,Chanin, D. I.; Shiver, A. W.; Bennett, D. E.
view article (1.0)Toxic Gas Accident Analysis Code User's Manual. Technical Report.Sandia National Lab., Albuquerque, NMNuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC, NUREG/CR-3685; SAND84-0367, August 1984, 60 p.Kay, D.
view article (1.0)Large Scale Ship Fire Testing Facilities.Naval Sea Systems Command, Washington, DCNaval Sea Systems Command, Naval Research Laboratory. Passive Fire Protection Symposium. October l6-l7, 1984, Washington, DC, 28-32 p., 1984- Technomic Publishing Co., Inc. Toxic Hazards From Fire. November 15-16, 1984, Washington, DC, 155 p., 1984
Hartzell, G. E.; Switzer, W. G.; Priest, D. N.
view article (1.0)Modeling of Toxicological Effects of Fire Gases. Part 5. Mathematical Modeling of Intoxication of Rats by Combined Carbon Monoxide and Hydrogen Cyanide Atmospheres.Southwest Research Inst., San Antonio, TXJournal of Fire Sciences, Vol. 3, No. 5, 330-342, September/October 1985Grand, A. F.; Kaplan, H. L.; Beitel, J. J., III; Switzer, W. G.; Hartzell, G. E.
view article (1.0)Evaluation of Toxic Hazards From Full-Scale Furnished Room Fire Studies.Southwest Research Inst., San Antonio, TXASTM STP 882,American Society for Testing and Materials. Fire Safety: Science and Engineering. ASTM STP 882. June 26-27, 1984, Denver, CO, Harmathy, T. Z., Editors, 330-353 p., 1984Hirschler, M. M.; Smith, G. F.
view article (1.0)Hazards in a House Fire: Example of a Chair.Goodrich (B. F.) Co., Avon Lake, OHCombustion Institute/Eastern States Section. Chemical and Physical Processes in Combustion. Fall Technical Meeting, 1985. November 4-6, 1985, Philadelphia, PA, 59/1-59/4 p., 1985Karlsson, E.; Karlsson, N.; Lindberg, G.; Lindgren, B.; Winter, S.
view article (1.0)Bhopal Catastrophe Consequences of a Liquified Gas Discharge.National Defence Research Inst., Umea, SwedenFOA Report C40212-C1, February 1985, 34 p.