displaying 61 - 70 results in total 110
Beeson, H. D.; Heinonen, E. W.; Luehr, C.; Allred, R. E.; Kent, L. A.; Gill, W.
view article (1.0)Aircraft Composite Material Fire Damage Assessment. Volume 1. Discussion. Final Report. August 1989-September 1990.New Mexico Univ., AlbuquerqueAir Force Engineering and Services Center, Tyndall AFB, FL, NMERI-IP-2.22(2); YE-TR-90-02, VOL 1 OF 2, September 1990, 159 p.Beeson, H. D.; Heinonen, E. W.; Luehr, C.; Allred, R. E.; Kent, L. A.; Gill, W.
view article (1.0)Aircraft Composite Material Fire Damage Assessment. Volume 2. Appendices. Final Report. August 1989-September 1990.New Mexico Univ., AlbuquerqueAir Force Engineering and Services Center, Tyndall AFB, FL, NMERI-IP-2.22(2); YE-TR-90-02, VOL 2 OF 2, September 1990, 132 p.Hall, C. T. M.; Snell, M.
view article (1.0)Investigation Into Aircraft Fuselage Fire Hardening.Darchem Engineering, EnglandCivil Aviation Authority, UK, DOT/FAA/CT-93/3; DOT/FAA/93/3,Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). International Conference for the Promotion of Advanced Fire Resistant Aircraft Interior Materials. February 9-11, 1993, Atlantic City, NJ, 191-205 p., 1993Einhorn, I. N.; Seader, J. D.; Mihlfeith, C. M.; Drake, W. O.
view article (1.0)Flammability and Toxicological Characteristics of Isocyanurate Foams, Intumescent Coatings and Fluorel. Final Report.Utah Univ., Salt Lake CityNational Aeronautics and Space Admin., Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA, UTEC-MSE 71-039, March 1971, 175 p.Eufemia, S. J.
view article (1.0)Brunswick Naval Air Station JP-5 Aviation Fuel Discharge In Situ Burn of Fuel Remaining in Fresh Water Marsh, April 6-8, 1993.Marine Department of Environmental Protection, Portland, MENIST SP 867; NIST SP 995; Volume 2, August 1994; March 2003,National Institute of Standards and Technology and Minerals Management Service. In Situ Burning Oil Spill. Proceedings. January 26-28, 1994, Orlando, FL, Jason, N. H., Editors, 87-90 p., ['1994', '2003']Bureau of Mines
view article (1.0)Flammability Characteristics of Aircraft Fuels.Bureau of Mines, Pittsburgh, PAAF-18(600)151, October 8, 1952, 10 p.Kuchta, J. M.; Bartkowiak, A.; Zabetakis, M. G.
view article (1.0)Flammability Characteristics of High Temperature Hydrocarbon Fuels. Quarterly Progress Report. May 1-July 31, 1960.Bureau of Mines, Pittsburg, PAQuarterly Progress Report, 1960, 17 p.Fu, T. T.
view article (1.0)Heat Radiation From Fires of Aviation Fuels.Naval Civil Engineering Lab., Washington, DCFire Technology, Vol. 10, No. 1, 54-67, 1974Russell, L. H.; Canfield, J. A.
view article (1.0)Experimental Measurement of Heat Transfer to a Cylinder Immersed in a Large Aviation-Fuel Fire.Naval Weapons Laboratory, Dahlgren, VAJournal of Heat Transfer, Vol. 95, No. 3, 397-404, August 1973Bradish, J. K.
view article (1.0)Crash of Flight 427: Many Agencies Mesh Operations at Major Disaster.Firehouse, Vol. 20, No. 6, 106-110, June 1995